
Dr. Kalyan Kumar Das

Professional Qualification:

Worked as Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Assam Engineering College, Guwahati from 03-04-1996 to 02-04-2009

worked as Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Assam Engineering College, Guwahati from 03-04-2009 to 9-03-2016

Presently working as Registrar, Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati since 10-03-2016.


Research Paper Published:

International Journal Paper: 13

Proceedings of the International Conferences: 20

Proceedings of the National Conferences: 24


Invited  Lectures delivered

  1. “Report on the Ferry sinking incident in Assam on April 30th 2012” at the International Workshop on Tornado risk Reduction 2013 held in Dhaka, 12-16 January 2013 and sponsored by Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan and Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Center (BDPC).
  2. Invited lecture on “Tornado disaster” in a public meeting organized by Tokyo Polytechnic University at Tangail, Bangladesh, 15th January 2013.
  3. “Numerical and Experimental Simulation of the dry thunderstorm downburst using 3D LES” National Conference on Wind Engineering, 14-15th December 2012, New Delhi, India and Co-Chaired the Technical Session 4.
  4. “Damage Potential of extreme wind events” National Conference on Emerging Global Trends in Engineering and Technology, 7-8th March 2014, Don Bosco University, Guwahati and Chaired the Technical Session 2.
  5. “Numerical and Experimental simulation of thunderstorm downburst” Short term course on Introduction to Numerical, Computational and Experimental Mechanics under NEQIP of AICTE held from 9th-13th December 2014 at Assam Engineering College, Guwahati.
  1. Chaired the technical session in the AICTE sponsored National Seminar on “Disaster Management; Issues and Challenges” held on 3-4th November 2015 at Guwahati, organized by Girls’ Polytechnic Guwahati and Assam State Disaster Management authority, Government of Assam.


Paper presented in foreign countries:

  1. “Development of a numerical code to estimate  the  microburst  wind  profile  near  a  prismatic  building” 5th  International symposium on wind effects on buildings and urban environments, ISWE, 7-8th March  2011, Tokyo, Japan.
  2. “Development of Numerical code for the simulation of translational downburst” 13th International Conference on  Wind Engineering 2011, Amsterdam, the Netherlands , July 10-15, 2011.
  3. “Report on the Ferry sinking incident in Assam on April 30th 2012” at the International Workshop on Tornado risk Reduction 2013 held in Dhaka, 12-16 January 2013
  4. Invited lecture on “Tornado disaster” in a public meeting organized by Tokyo Polytechnic University (TPU), Japan at Tangail, Bangladesh, 15th January 2013. Lecture delivered as a member of the international team constituted by Tokyo Polytechnic University Japan to access the damage due to tornado disaster at Rampur village, Tangail, Bangladesh.


Seminar/Conferences organized (Organizing Secretary):

  1. International Symposium on “Wind Disaster Problems” at Royal Group of Institution, Guwahati from February 21-22, 2013sponsored by ISWE & AICTE.
  2. International Workshop on “Wind Engineering- Prospects and Challenges” at Assam Engineering College, Guwahati on 23rd February 2013.
  3. Short term course on Introduction to Numerical Computational and Experimental Mechanics (INCEM 2014) at Assam Engineering College from 9th– 13th December 2014 under NEQIP scheme of AICTE.
  4. National Seminar on “Green Energy – Prospects and Challenges” at Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati from 26th -27th April 2016.


Reviewer of International Journal:

  1. International Journal of wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics.
  2. International Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics
  3. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering (STM Journals)
  4. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management (STM)


Reviewer of International/National  Conferences

Reviewed paper of  the Asia Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering (APCWE13) held in Chennai in December 2013, India.

Reviewed papers of  the National Conference on Emerging Global Trends in Engineering and Technology(EGTET 2014), held in Guwahati, 7-8th March, Don Bosco University, Guwahati.


Member of the Journal Editorial board

Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering (STM Journals)

Journal of Structural Engineering and Management (STM Journals)


Sponsored Research Project undertaken  as PI and Co-PI :

  1. Title of the Project: Investigation of the effect of wind shear due to thunderstorm on different structures. (AICTE/RPS 115/2007-2008)
  2. Tea Processing using Bio mass Gasifier. (AICTE/RPS 209/2007-2008)


Books and Books Chapter contributed:

Contributed a Chapter  on “CFD simulation of Thunderstorm Downburst Wind field” in the book on “New Approaches of Basic Science towards the development of Engineering and Technology” ISBN No.978-93-80408-71-2, Published by Acme Learning (Excel Books) of New Delhi, INDIA.

  1. Post Graduate thesis guided:
  2. “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Wind flow over Prismatic Building” Bora Manas,  July 2010.
  3. “Numerical Investigation of wind Flow over Prismatic Building in Tandem Arrangement, Deka Rupam, July 2011.
  4. “Numerical Investigation of wind Flow over Buildings in Tandem Arrangement using ANSYS” Das Hirak Ranjan, June 2012.
  5. “ Numerical Investigation of Incompressible flow inside a Lid Driven Cavity” Baruah Jitul, July 2013.
  6. “Physical Simulation of Tornado like vortex using double fan model” Baruah Bhabajit, July 2013.
  7. “ Numerical Investigation of Flow around a rectangular cylinder using ANSYS” Franky Kumar Kalia, January 2015.


Ph.D guidance: 

Currently guiding 4 (four) research scholars under Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU). Gauhati University


  • Total Training Program/Seminar attended: 25 (Details attached in Table 1)
  • Awards/Prizes: Gold medal from Gauhati University, Guwahati for securing first rank in E (Mechanical) Examination in the year 1993.