
The ASTU is maintaining website so that interested people can visit this website for desired information. If the required information is not available in the website they can obtain the required information by making a request in writing or through email to the Public Information Officer as per the following procedure.

:: APPEAL ::
In case the Requester who does not receive a decision within the time specified in sub-section (1) of clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7 of the Act or is aggrieved by decision of the Public Information Officer, as the case may be, may within thirty days from the expiry of such period from the receipt of such a decision, prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority for redressed of the grievance.

In accordance to directive given in the Gazette notification issued by Deptt. of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension, Govt. of India, vide no. 34012/8(s)/2005-Estt.(B) dated 16.09.2005, the application for obtaining Information under sub-section (1) of section 6 must be accompanied by prescribed application fee drawn in favour of Assam Science and Technology University. At present the application fee is as under:- Application fee : Rs 10/-

Mode of payment : By cash against proper receipt or by demand draft/banker’s cheque or Indian Postal Order in favour of “Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati”

The applicant shall be informed of the additional fees required to be deposited by him/her for the information sought and information shall be furnished after the deposit of the fee by the applicant.

In accordance with directives given in the above mentioned Gazette notification dated 16/09/2005, for providing the information under sub-section 7, of the Act an additional fee shall be charged. At present, the applicable rates, are given as under:-

a For each page (in A-4 or A-3 size paper Rs. 2/- per page
b For a copy in larger size paper Actual charge or cost price
c For samples or models Actual cost or price
d For inspection of records No fee for the first hour; and a fee of Rs. 5/- for each fifteen minutes (or fraction thereof) thereafter

Further, for providing the information under sub-section (5) of section of the Act, the fee shall be charged at the following rates:-

a For information provided in diskette or floppy Rs. 50/- per diskette or floppy
b For information provided in printed form At the price fixed for such publication or Rs. 2/- per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication

The mode of payment of above mentioned additional fees shall be the same as application fee