Vision & Mission


  1. Regulation of Courses and the Examination system for both Undergraduate and Postgraduates Programme including the degree leading to Ph.D. for Science and Technology discipline for all the Engineering Colleges in the state of Assam.
  2. Introduction of Post Graduate Courses in identified thrust areas.
  3. Establishment of Research and Development Activities.
  4. Development of a Data Bank for Natural Resources. Assam Science and Technology University has been established to bring all the Engineering Colleges/Institutions of Assam under a single platform and to provide uniform standards of technical education.


  1. To provide for instruction and research through its constituent and affiliated colleges and institutions in the Science and Technology Education and others professional subjects and disciplines.
  2. To hold examinations and to grant and confer degrees, diplomas, certificate or other distinction.
  3. To determine and provide for examinations for admission into the colleges under the university.
  4. To introduce higher and modern courses in the field of Science and Technology.


  1. To organize undergraduate and post-graduate programs in the basic and applied sciences, engineering, and technology and in such other branches of knowledge as the University may deem fit, especially with a view to producing scientists, technologists and managers of a high calibre, capable of contributing towards not only for the growth of academic institutions but also for the development of industries based on modern technologies.
  2. To develop center of excellence for higher studies and research in basic and applied sciences, engineering, technology and management education.
  3. To organize distance education programs.
  4. To organize continuing education programs for updating the knowledge and skills of working professionals.
  5. To organize and offer consultancy services to the industry and other organizations desiring such assistance.
  6. To undertake such other activities as may be necessary, to fulfil the mission of sustaining the emerging areas of science and technology. The teaching staff would include, beside the core faculty, visiting faculty, faculty members and distinguished visitors from the industry and front line academic and research institutes of country and abroad.
  7. The University will have an IRC (Interdisciplinary Research Centre), which include different researcher both from academic (Engineering and Science) and people from industries. Student can also be enrolled for PhD programme in this centre.
  8. The University would have an International Centre to organize national and international seminars, as well as, conferences and lectures by International experts in different fields of science and technology.
  9. The University would organize appropriate programs to generate resources for development of the university.


  • Interfacing between ASTU and Government Institutes.
  • Immediate formation of review committees for Syllabi from all experts from Assam, AEC, JEC, IITG & others (confidence building); Introduce in 2017-18 session.
  • Review new courses.
  • Participation in various univ. boards by Senior Faculties of Government Institution.
  • Establish QA programme to define roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
  • Ph.D guide for qualified faculties of these organizations.
  • Bring in freshness by augmenting infrastructure to be at par with recognized establishments; share them to optimize utilization.
  • Seminars, Workshops, Brain storming meetings among stakeholders.