Green Campus Initiatives


A 15 KW hybrid Solar photovoltaic (SPV) power plant has been installed at the rooftop of the Academic Building of Assam Science and Technology University under AICTE GAINER. It aims to generate electricity with the utilization of bifacial monocrystalline solar modules with power rating of 580W (or above). Moreover, a 20 KW hybrid inverter is used. Utilization of these items would definitely enhance the flexibility, energy management and overall sustainability of the plant. The proposed roof has sufficient surface area for installation of the required number of panels (~226.60 sq.m). This initiative will resolve the energy shortage problem in the campus, reduce the dependency on conventional electric supply and contribute towards saving of monthly electricity bill of the university. The project would further reduce the dependency on diesel generator (DG) sets & UPS for power supply; which are used when grid connected electricity supply is not available. Besides, M.Tech (Energy Engineering) students will get practical experience of working with Solar PV power plant. The classrooms, research laboratories, lecture halls, computer centre and selected devices in the department are connected to the proposed Solar PV based power generated systems. These initiatives have further enriched the teaching-learning process in the technical institution.

Sectioned Amount: Rs. 20,00,000.00/-

Sanctioning Authority: All India Council for Technical Education under Grant for Augmenting Infrastructure in North Eastern Region (AICTE GAINER)

Project Coordinator: Dr. Plaban Bora

Project Monitoring Organization: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG)

Period: 2022-2023

Few glimpses of the Solar PV Power Plant Site

The Grid Interactive Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Generation Units are producing renewable energy by converting sunshine incident upon the solar panels on the roofs to electrical energy which is being consumed in the university itself and/or supplied to the grid during daytime sunshine hours. The electrical energy thus supplied to the grid is credited in the APDCL account of the university through a net metering system. This is also contributing to the amount of renewable energy generation in the State to meet the minimum requirement as per mandate of the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Government of India.

Solid Waste Management and Disposal

A plasma pyrolysis plant with capacity 10.0 kg/hr, is developed and installed at META laboratory, Assam Science and Technology University, Guwahati for safe disposal of municipal solid waste as well as bio medical waste under a project entitled, “Development of an eco-friendly technology for safe disposal of Municipal Solid Waste”
Principal investigator of the project is Dr. Bharat Kakati, Assistant Professor, ASTU

Download/View Report : Solid Waste Management and Disposal

Proposed Project Cost : 189.4 lacs
Budget Head: 3425- 60-200-2037-000-32-99-SOPD-G-V-GA
Awarding agency: Dept of Science & Technology, Government of Assam.
The photo graph of the plasma pyrolysis plant with capacity 10.0 kg per hour is shown in below


Few glimpses of Solid Waste Management and Disposal